Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tensions enclosed. Memories be recalled


I'd like to say, gladly, that I'm still alive after encountering that couple of exam papers ever since the time that I started to realize it's here and now.

But I'm quite comfortable besides the pressure right now. I'm enjoying this left-over spaghetti that was from this morning. Heheheheh. It's so cheeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzie, I would fight for it to have it finished :F


So it had came to my attention that there were many things that happened here and there. There had been a lot since then. Before, we've had that celebrations symbolising the ending day of our school classes, and the day after was the starting of our study leave. I couldn't feel anymore pleased than to recall how amazing it was that day.

Misty eyes, there were on every each of our faces -- well, most of us had the joy is the least I can remember. Spending every last minute to meet friends in a class-grouped form was anyone's least task to complete before it's too late. I've imagined how it all went before it did, and by majority; everyone have probably hid those sorrow feelings inside. I did the same too. Weeping would be an optional, but holding it out would hurt much more. I should hold this in until later, I mused. So I started giving regards before the time we part ways to journey on own.

The fact how everyone was about to miss the hours of classes that gave us the strains. The hours of classes that we've slacked off. The hours of classes that we've put so much efforts on to, we were nearly dead by then. The hours of classes we've had our lovely teachers causing us to gag ourselves with laughter. Yes, the fact about those, it's gonna end...

Well, we still do have some extra classes just right before an exam starts. Tomorrow would be the last to see our English Language teacher; Miss Yin, in class. This is going to be sad...

A lil' bit of her. She's one my favourite persons in my school life. She had been the most caring towards us ever since we were her first Class Teacher - that was last year, but still it seems to me that she's still the one courteous Class Teacher that I've had.

I'll leave these pictures here.
I'll remember these as much as I can.
Until another day would hurl me with its pang of anxiety again.

I wish you all well, until then.
Hope to see you all again!

And I wear specs now.
I can see you now!

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