I just woke up actually. At this time.
This meaaaaaaaaaaaaaans,
A long night waiting ahead of me. Again.
I hope I didn't jynxed that though. But, heh, I can care less anyway!
Oh. So I was just taking a nap earlier. Cause if my limbs weren't stiff and tired I wouldn't be so much of in fatigue and take a rest stop at the WRONG TIME. Yeah. I slept in the evening around 8 and woke up around 11. So..
when I actually realized that after I woke up..
Even now I feel like it's morning. And although I might think that would sound weird but if I told you that I felt so good and refreshed and say that I felt like today's a morning after that then... you might call it at precise rate that it may sound double as it is weird for me to say.
Oh, and I've never had too much of the 'morning freshness' every time I woke up from bed. But simply, right now and still, I've felt it like it was morning a while ago. Wouldn't it be nice when you woke up from the bed and still wearing your favourite jeans that after you overworked it with a lot of walking and running with your friends, hanging around in the mall? Well, it does for me.. and that usually happens when I was out like a light.
Anywho, I can't express on so much about how I will miss the people that I've longed studied with. The people that I've longed enjoying jokes and interesting chats with. The people that I've longed savour for the long upcoming exemption alongside. The people that I've longed for to celebrate with after the aftermath of what we have longed to study for, with the merriment of joy. Because when the final exams are over, we earn our treasures truthfully and finally; Freedom. And often not much of people would initially think about the fears towards the fact about unable to see each other again any longer, in a hefty, packed, full combination of ourselves, a group, a team, and safe to call it, as a class.
Oh, and I've never had too much of the 'morning freshness' every time I woke up from bed. But simply, right now and still, I've felt it like it was morning a while ago. Wouldn't it be nice when you woke up from the bed and still wearing your favourite jeans that after you overworked it with a lot of walking and running with your friends, hanging around in the mall? Well, it does for me.. and that usually happens when I was out like a light.
And finally it was now for me to tell you that I just had a hangout with my dear friends in the Mall and went to watch a movie and just.. roam around the community. The fact that has been known by hard about how it is unlikely possible to meet each other again.. or meeting each other with our school uniforms ever again. It's sad as it will cease. But, I say that, we all human beings with feelings to stumble around with the resolution to this matter in addition, should actually bear the consequences whether it's a pitiful side in the other hand or a pleasing side. Mostly would actually find it saddening, I do not know for people so malefic tend to have for someone's back.
Anywho, I can't express on so much about how I will miss the people that I've longed studied with. The people that I've longed enjoying jokes and interesting chats with. The people that I've longed savour for the long upcoming exemption alongside. The people that I've longed for to celebrate with after the aftermath of what we have longed to study for, with the merriment of joy. Because when the final exams are over, we earn our treasures truthfully and finally; Freedom. And often not much of people would initially think about the fears towards the fact about unable to see each other again any longer, in a hefty, packed, full combination of ourselves, a group, a team, and safe to call it, as a class.
As much to how saddening it is to me inside. I fear for them as they would part ways as I will, I would be missing them too. I have been spending a lot of times with the ones I cherish my time with. Most of them are just as equal to me. They're my friends if you know the heck I'm saying.
I love you all, too much, I'll talk excessive crazy things..
I love you all, too much, I'll talk excessive crazy things..
Yeah. As soon as it's over. We'll part ways and have it our own ways.
And now's the time.
Dear Friends,
I'll miss you
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