Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 01

Day 01 
A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

eh wtf.. I winked o.o


Okay, anywaaaaaaaaaaay...
  1. I love the colour green and blue. Both of them. Even the ones in between! like.. sky blue, ocean green, lime green, light blue, light blue, aquamarine, teal, baby blue, pinegreen.. any of them! As long as it's still blue-green :P
  2. I own an overused Premier acoustic guitar and a long-lived Yamaha keyboard that had left untouched in my room. I should say, I'm quite BAD at playing both of them :)               ( ... and no, that's not a lie. I think.)
  3. I love the outdoors! Especially the sky and the sea. The trees, the sun, and the lonely sidewalks. The ocean breeze, the waves, and the crashing white casts. The streetlights, the night sky, the moon and the stars :D
  4. I'd choose to be in a warmer place during daytime. But at night, I just feel like snuggling in the cold.
  5. I wish to be a part in a biochemical career. Although I know its essential part needed before becoming one, studying about the Nature's creation and the very things of life encourages me to march on. Thus I enjoy having Biology and Chemistry classes :)
  6. Music, on the other hand, is what I love with a passion. You might find me as the person who has the least favourite songs in his playlist. It's not that I barely listen to songs, but the most reasonable I could say is that I usually stick to one or two bands/artists at a time. Be expected that I can be that obsessive :P
  7. For that, I BLAME ADAM YOUNG. He's an awesome songwriter to me.
  8. I prefer headphones over earphones, sandals over shoes, spaghettis over sushis, gliding over driving, dreaming over sleeping, love over hate.
  9. I am longing to create lyrics and make bunch of songs with my guitar or keyboard! But I'm too lazy :c
  10. I don't do much of sports. But hey, I love physical activities like jogging, trekking, swimming.. and yeah, something like that. I even have the urge to go rock climbing O.O but all of these aren't going to happen without anyone accompanying me.
  11. Genres... for me, I'm a person who DISLIKES anything beyond Rock. Screamo, Heavy Metal or anything dark doesn't seem to make sense to me. No offense in any way :P But for me, I love everything in a range from Rock to Alternative, to Pop, to Electronica, and to a fraction of Indie and Folk and stuffs like that. :)
  12. I'm not into much about the Media, cause I just don't friggin watch TV or movies that much. I spend too much daydreaming when I'm on my own.
  13. I've been through having my head go bald.. I didn't like it. I prefer having long hair instead. Something shaggy, or like.. bed-hair type of style :P I may also prefer having a fringe but I don't recall ever calling it Emo hair. There's a difference.
  14. I'd choose to be an eagle. A good eagle. Not because I want to kill the fishes for supper. I just want to fly. Fly very very very high. 
  15. I keep my dreams and personal desires within a very safe and strong value. I wish to sustain and preserve all the efforts to take until what's left to make it up for a better cause. I may not take things seriously without a matter but I am faithful and do hope all the decisions were made with care. Anticipation grows whenever I look forward to desires that can't be foreseen. Moreover, very seldom, you may find myself being ecstatic at times when I achieve or downhearted when I've lost. I'd be like a mood ring, worn by an insecure person. Or like a fetus still enclosed within its mother's womb. I can change whenever the surroundings change. However it goes. I can be honest and truly spoken as it may sound nonsense like this :)


  1. i think i want to be an eagle as well :P

  2. Hahaha! Thought you wanna be sailing a ship like a kapten pirate so badly. :P
